Donate to support survivors of torture at a time when compassion has never been more important.

Survivors of torture need to feel safe so they can heal. But instead, they are being faced with a violence and intimidation from far-right thugs.

Your donation could support our work fighting for refugee rights in the UK, giving people the security they begin therapy, process their trauma and overcome fear.


£5 could help pay for a torture survivor's travel to and from a therapy session.

£10 could hep pay for phone credit to allow client to access a therapy sessions remotely.

£25 could pay for an interpreter for a clinical therapy session.

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Every refugee should be treated with compassion and humanity. But too many face the opposite.

Your support goes a long way, so we'd love to keep you updated about survivor stories, campaigns and fundraising appeals. You can unsubscribe at any time by getting in touch at [email protected] or 020 7697 7788. 

We take great care with your personal data. To find out how we use your information, please read our Privacy policy.  

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